Every Day is Father’s Day

My dad: I caught him being a kid again, enjoying the canoe we just got. It was a brief moment I just couldn’t pass up. For those of us who are photographers, we know the moment when it happens and when the moment is caught.  Whenever I see this picture of my dad, that IContinue reading “Every Day is Father’s Day”

The 5 Day B&W Photo Challenge

Some friends and colleagues have been passing around a photo challenge, to post one black and white image every day for five days. Posted on FaceBook among us, we got to see some work from long ago to some from the present with a brief story of why. This was one of mine…” Bonding “Continue reading “The 5 Day B&W Photo Challenge”

Shooting Bronzini…and others

I was hired to shoot Bronzini. I didn’t know what he did or what he “didn’t do” to call me in. All they told me is that he was coming that morning from either Greece or Italy in the Mediterranean. After the shoot they would put him in “The Freezer” I set it up thatContinue reading “Shooting Bronzini…and others”